What did I do in the holidays??? Well,my friend introduced me to watch this comedy which names “Victorious”.I was not interested at first,but then I wish to improve my English as my MUET exam is coming soon.So,I took from my friend and now I’m fell in love with it!!!!
Monday, 10 December 2012
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Thailand Betong Trip-Spa 温泉
As you see from the picture,this is the Spa in Betong,Thailand!!! It’s very warm and you can put your legs in it,but not the whole body please…. ><
Thailand Betong Trip-W.F Garden 万花园
Well,it’s a family church camp that heal in Thailand Betong. First place that we went was W.F garden.It’s a place that FULL OF FLOWERS.In this trip,My mum went too!! I can tell she LOVES this place because she kept saying about it when we came back.
Monday, 3 December 2012
Dinner outfit
I remember it’s Monday and I had to satisfice my economic tuition to go for this dinner.Uhh…it’s not my cousin’s dinner,it’s should be my cousin’s cousin wedding dinner.I was lazy to go at first,because that few days i ate so much and I felt that I’m starting to be fat.But,at the end,I went!
This dress was given by my friend Beh as my birthday present!! Does it look nice??
Monday, 26 November 2012
幸福! Happiness!
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Zombies Bite Makeup
My holiday is kinda boring,so….I’m going to do something weird…haha…After finished watching “The Walking Dead”,I have this idea suddenly.I wonder how could they makeup the zombies so real like that?? So,,,I check it out in Youtube and it’s quite fun for me.
ARRRRRR!!! it’s painful!!!! XD
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
DIY-hair pin (Bookmarks)
Make a simple pin by yourself is fun!!!
What you need:
- pin
- scissors
- ribbon
- hot glue gun
- black cotton
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
LookBook: Thursday dinner
I love to wear like this recently…just simply and nice with a belt.I love lace!!! <3
I wore this dress with white high heals and pink handbag…but no one could help me take the photo,so..I only have this .. =P
Monday, 12 November 2012
Love Rain
I love raining……and that’s why this Korean drama attracted me to watch it….It was a romantic drama,the boys were handsome and the girls were pretty!
Genre: Romance
Episodes: 20
Director: Yoon Suk Ho
Screenwriter: Oh Soo Yun
Love Rain tells love story of 2 generations , the analogy and the digital era.
In 1970s, Seo In Ha and Kim Yoon Hee met and fell in love but they didn’t end up together.In the present 21st century, Seo In Ha’s son and Kim Yoon Hee’s daughter meet and fall in love. Now, will they become a couple ?
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Accessories-Hair Pins Tutorial
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
SP-Yoshiya Japanese restaurant
It’s 7th July-our friend Edward’s 25 years old birthday!! he promised to treat us Japanese food,and he chose a nice restaurant Yoshiya in Sungai Petani.
Look at the menu and order the food.
The Food
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Chinese wedding Ceremonies Part-2(sister’s big day)
Well,as you see,after ate the eggs and so on,they were going to prepare a ceremony called “fen fang”.It means that the sister who was going to get married has to arrange her property to the brothers and sisters.* p.s it’s not the real property,just use the food on the table to pretend.*
She had to take the food for the brothers and sisters,say some Good words and bless them.For example: have a healthy body,get good result in study,all the best in work and so on.
First,my parents pray to the God first.
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Chinese Wedding Ceremonies Part 1-Sister’s Big Day
It was 26/5/2012,my sister big day!! Early in the morning,everyone was busy with preparing the food and so on.Let’s us see the food>>> It’s all prepared by my mother herself!!!
It’s like a buffet.There’s laksa,fried noodles,bean soup,Herbal tea,Sliced cold chicken and so on……Are you hungry now??
26th of June.A meaningful date for all of us….
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Form 6 Sejarah Bad 2-Raja/Maharaja
1. Konsep raja/maharaja
-maharaja dilegitimasikan berdasarkan konsep mandate of heaven(mandate dari syurga).
-konsep ini jelaskan bhw tuhan berikan kuasa kpd raja utk memerintah.
-konsep mandate dr syurga:a)maharaja menduduki hierarki teratas.
b)maharaja paling berkuasa dlm kerajaan.
c)dapat penghormatan tertinggi .
d)maharaja menjamin kemakmuran & tentu kehidupan rakyat
dlm teratur & makmur.
2.Peranan raja/maharaja
-maharaja china mengamalkan ajaran confucianisme-setiap pihak ada tanggungjawab
bg mewujudkan masyarakat yg harmoni.
-ajaran ini menekan kesetiaan.
-rakyat mesti taat setia kpd raja.
-tugas raja-mengetuai kerajaan & menlindungi rakyat.
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Form 6 Sejarah Bad 2-Dinasti Ming
Dinasti Ming
Era dinasti Ming (1368-1644) bermula dlm keadaan tidak tenteraan akibat kebuluran,banjir,perang saudara & kebangkitan penduduk China menentang pemerintah Mongol.
Pd thn 1351-1353,Maharaja Dinasti Sung m’dpt mandat dr syurga & m’jatuhkan pemerintahan Mongol.
Dinasti Ming bermula drpd Chu Yuan-Chang
- lahir di wilayah Anhwei pd 1382.
- ibu,bapa & abang meninggal dunia akibat kebuluran.
- m’dpt perlindungan di Kuil Buddha.
- m’nerima ajaran Confucius.
- m’guasai hilir Sungai Yangtze pd thn 1364 m’makai gelaran Putera Wu.
- pd 1356,m’guasai Nanking.Pd 1367,m’guasai Lembah Sungai Yangtze& m’nerusi jalan laut.
Rajah diatas menunjukkan gambar Chu Yuan-Chang.
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Form 6 Sejarah Bad 2-Sistem Maharaja Di China
2.1.1 Sistem Raja/Maharaja
- Di msyk China,sistem beraj/maharaja menduduk hierarki teratas.
- Kuasa penentuaan dlm pentadbiran kerajaan
- kuasa yg besar & mempunyai perlambangan kedudukan kerajaan.
- pemerintah yg bijaksana & kebolehan.
Pada abad ke-19,zaman ini dikenali sbg “abad orang Eropah” dng ke China utk menguasai & meluaskan perdagangan mereka.Kedatangan Barat memperkenalkan budaya baru telah mengancam budaya China.perubahan ini disebabkan Eropah,iaiti itali pd abad ke-14,15,& 16 mengalami gerakan intelektual/Renaisans.Zaman ini lahir tokoh falsafah spt Franceso Petrarch,Niccolo Machiavellu & Giovanni Bocaccio yg menekankan kepentingan humaniesme,lojik & demokrasi.
Zaman Renaisans= zaman kelahiran semula bangsa Eropah dr segi politik,sosial,& ekonomi.
Renaisans berkembang ke utara Eropah iaitu,England,Belanda,Jerman& Perancis.Ini membawa pekembangan ekonomi.Eropah menggalakkan perkembangan kapitalisme & mengamalkan dasar ekonomi mekantilisme pd abad ke-16 & 17.
Kekuatan negara diukur drpd jumlah emas & perak yg dikuasai.Untuk merealisasikan matlamat,raja-raja ngr bangsa menggalakkan pelayaran ke sebarang laut.
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Pengenalan-Institusi Pemerintahan (Sejarah STPM Bab-2)
- struktur dan mekanisma aturan serta kerjasama sosial yang mengawal perlakuan dua / lebih individu.
- pola yg ditubuh utk memenuhi keperluan manusia yg melangkau tujuan & umur mana-mana individu
- membuat serta menguatkuasakan undang-undang yg mengatur perlakuan manusia.
- satu badanyg dianggotai olh sebilangan individu yg dilantik / dipilih mengikut prosedur perundangan bg menjawat jawatan-jawatan dgn tujuan mentadbir& menguruskan sesebuah negara.
- satu istilah yg digunakan pd ringkasan instutusi politik yg mengorganisasikan suatu negara utk menegakkan kekuasaannya atas suatu komuniti myrk.
- satu institusi yg menegakkan keamanan,menguatkuasakan undang-undau & mewujudkan perdamaian.
Monday, 25 June 2012
10 Bible Quotes for healing your broken heart
- O Lord,my God,I called to you for help and you healed me. (Psalm 30:2)
- He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. (Psalm 107:12)
- Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed. (Isaiah 6:10)
- Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:4,5)
- Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. (Jeremiah 33:6)
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Karangan Pertandingan=Tun Dr Mahathir:Ikon membaca Kebangsaan Penggerak Kemajuan Negara Bangsa
Amalan membaca jitu ditakrifkan sebagai satu amalan yang diperolehi oleh seseorang individu yang rajin untuk mengejar ilmu pengetahuan .Mutakhir ini,Tun Dr Mahathir sebagai Perdana Menteri keempat merangkap Bapa Transformasi Malaysia telah banyak mengalakkan semua rakyat rajin membaca supaya dapat memajukan Negara.Tun Dr Mahathir sebagai ikon membaca Kebangsaan penggerak kemajuan Negara bangsa telah menberikan banyak sumbangan yang tidak dapat dikirakan kepada masyarakat dalam amalan membaca.Bak kata mutiara,”Kepimpinan melalui teladan”.Oleh hal yang demikian,Tun Dr Mahathir merupakan orang yang kita perlu mencontohi sebagai model.
Jika ditelusuri dengan lebih mendalam,Tun Dr Mahathir telah melanjut pengajian menengah di Government Melayu School,Alor Setar yang sekarang dinamakan sebagai Kolej Sultan Abdul hamid.Kegigihan beliau yang mendahaga dengan ilmu pengetahuan perlu kita mencontohi supaya dapat memajukan negara kita.Kegemaran menbelikan bahan-bahan bacaan seperti surat khabar harian,majalah bulanan dan buku-buku ilmiah merupakan hobi Tun Dr Mahathir.Kita harus menjadikan membaca sebagai hobi seperti Tun Dr Mahathir.
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Inspiration Bridal Gloves
How to make Mango Pudding
Last Friday I saw my friend Ong Liang made cantaloupe pudding for us,and it makes me so interested in making pudding suddenly!! Here I found a mango pudding recipe for you to look for. =) Well,it’s because I love eating mango too.
- 85ml evaporated milk
- 2 mangoes (pureed)
- 175ml fresh milk
- 2 packets Mango Jelly,85gm each