Bella and Jin are best friends..we do anything that best friends do...One day, she realised that she love she decided to confessed her feeling to him.One night where they camp with other friends,he said yes, he would be my boyfriend.So they went on like other girlfriend boyfriend's life does. Watch movie, walk in park, eat together, go to beach....but life's not fun as when they are still best friends,he also doesn’t talk much, or act like they are best friends, close and share everything...for her, he is not a suitable or loving boyfriend...but she kept quietly this on her mind.But since the day he become her boyfriend, he every single day would give her a small teddy bear.At first she thought it was lovely, but till now,she wonder why he would give her this.
One day, she was walking alone at a park. Then she saw Jin was talking to another girl. I walk toward him and i overheard him saying "i love u'' to that girl. She was really angry and she run home because Jin never ever told her he love her all the time they been boyfriend and girlfriend. Then, at midnight that day, he come to Bella’s house and she open the door. He just passed her the teddy bear that he used to give her everyday and said sorry because he didn't give her this today. She was really angry and shouted at him, "Why u always give me this crap? All i wan to hear form you is, I love you, that's it, is it too hard???" Jin kept quiet. He took her hand and place the teddy bear on her palm and left away..she throw the teddy bear into her cupboard.