Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi, or Khoo Kongsi for short, is one of the most distinctive Chinese clan associations in Malaysia.The Khoos were among the wealthy Straits Chinese traders of 17th century
Malacca and early Penang. In the 19th century, the clan complex resembled a miniature clan village, with its own self-government as well as educational, financial, welfare and social organisations.It is well known worldwide for its extensive lineage that can be traced back 650 years, as well as its closely-knit and defensive congregation of buildings and a magnificent clan house.The forefathers of the Khoo family who emigrated from South China built it as a clan house for members of the Khoo family in 1851. It was burnt down in 1894, allegedly struck by lightning, and the Chinese believed that it was due to its resemblance to the Emperor's palace, which provoked the gods. A scaled-down version was later built in 1902 and completed in 1906. Even so, the complex boasts a magnificent hall embellished with intricate carvings and richly ornamented beams of the finest wood bearing the mark of master craftsmen from China.With the respective clanhouses as the nuclei, these kongsi demarcated their territories with their own terrace houses on three or four sides of the perimeters. This adjoining, closely-knit and defensive model settlement, like a clan village in the colonial city, is a rare form of congregation practised among migrant communities.
Tel: +604-261 4609
Fax: +604-262 2591
Address: 18,Cannon Square,
10200 Penang, Malaysia
Pictures of Khoo Kongsi
4 of us!
''Long Shan Tang''
The picture on the wall.
What's the story in the pictures??
A story about Fisherman,Woodsman,Farmer and Scholar.
The name list of Khoos.
This is the door at the back of Khoo Kongsi,inside still repairing i think.
It's the end of this post too.=)
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